Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gnats and Gnuck

Gnuck, that could be something from Gaia... Hmm?

Well, there is a giant gnat on the bathroom wall behind the toilet, not necassarily, like, under it, but its bigger than my fist and its been hanging there for hours. Its kinda creeping me out..

Gaia, as I mentioned a minute before, is not really a story, and probably never will be, just one f those random idea that come to me, and why not write them down? Anywho, its basically four kids who become a group called BETA in an alternate world called Gaia. By some strange phenomenon, the world Gaia has become connected to Earth through the Internet, so the "god" of Gaia, Omniscion, sent out SCANs, Scanners Collect Animals and Nature.
And they start out in a city called Rhaakek in the middle of the Araihyan Desert, chasing a Gomrik.

Its inspired firsthand by the Edge Chronicles, where, being a little kiddy, are pretty fun to read. But later on, with the Internet and SCANs, it sorta incorporated some Digimon-esque stuff in there.
Plus, Rhaakek is a city in Hell during Demon's Gate, but, as I said, I don't plan them both to be published and all.


"A gentleman is somone who knows how to play the accordion but doesn't." - Unknown