Monday, February 18, 2008

An End of an Era

I felt somewhat depressed when I learned of the cancellation of MO:UL, a day late, I might add. There are more than a handful of people who would shout and scream "It's just a game!" But it was a damned good game.
It's certainly different than most MMOs, which is absolutely no problem. I've always found games like World of Warcraft and Runescape so repetitive and boring, and after a few levels, I'd just get completely bored because you generally did much the same thing over and over, which for others, is why it's addictive.

MO:UL was more social and mental environment, with puzzles and such. I seriously doubt you'll find another MMO anywhere that isn't about fighting or some other basic concept. I will always treasure the friends I've made here, and will eagerly await when the Cavern starts calling again..

Yeah, you know, I think I'm giving up the quote thing, though, it's beginning to seem a bit silly, however profound or amusing they might've been.